As i m not ashamed of talkingon this topic, y r u gettin so red in ur face by just readin this very piece of literature. lets break the shakles of those futile convictions & discuss our hearts out on it.
It is well said that the englishmen had long left us but still v r not much far away from their threshold. v can easily see that every now n then a new wind frm that direction flows weakens our GREAT INDIAN CULTURE & TRADITIONS.
hundreds r dying every year in meaningless fights between upper caste ppl n lower caste ones(so 2 say) but still the teens never forget 14th feb. they never bother 2 sing our national anthem even once a yr leavin aside even knowin that v hav a national song also and what u see that they r saving money 2 buy the latest album of some english rock star. HAHAHA the irony is that i cant even laugh at it as i m also a true indian.
english fever has not only struck thr, it is even tryin 2 play with nature thats its tryin 2 change the very gender of the ppl around us. i wud like 2 elaborate on this by tellin u a true story of sufferin n pain.
this story is about a very intelligent, handsome n gentle boy by the name of shyam* . he was a common boy who used to study day in n day out just 2 fulfil the dreams of his parents & that was get into a prestigious engineerin college. but alas ! as some great man has said that "man proposes n god disposes" his had his bad luck thr. he met with a very serious accident just a week before the examination. his dreams got scattered. he was broken. he was almost dead. but just to save his year he took admission into a not so gud college in "god's own country" ie a southern indian state.
As fate was havin somethg more in store for him, as his days of agony were not over yet, he met with the greatest jolt of his life. it was as if a tsunami struck his yet to recover life. he got 2 know that the place whr he was supposed 2 begin his new life was the den of homosexuals or the world capital of homosexuality.
the very 1st day of his class, he was kissed by a homo zardari* in front of the whole class. he cudnt hav ever dreamt of bein kissed by a homo (oh !!) . his face was to b seen. he was so chagrined that he took half a dozen sleepin pills. mcuh 2 his relief n shock , he got 2 know that he was not alone thr. he was zardari's 56th prey "ab tak chappan". slowly n steadly life passed & he became used 2 it.
u all will b a little astonished 2 know that his best fren Page* is da 2nd most popular homo of that college. page never kisses a male but still loves 2 sleep with zardari. zardari's room-mate farariji* is also followin his steps. he has still a beginner as he has only kissed only a dozen boyz.
life is not all that cool for shyam as his room mate shulok* is an ardent disciple of zardari. he is makin shyam's life hell these days. as he is heavily built, he always empower shyam a kisses him against his will. poor shyam always tries 2 escape this but still shulok gets successful in kissin him 10-12 times daily. he is nowadays even threatenin shyam of rapin him.
ITS A HUMBLE REQUEST 2 ALL THOSE WHO READ THIS PIECE OF HEART RENDIN TRUE STORY 2 COME OUT N PROTEST AGAINST THIS HOMOSEXUALITY. for ur information i wud like to state that the indian gov has already taken a step in this regard by makin homosexuality a serious offence under sexxtion 44 & the offender might also b sent 2 jail for 3 yrs.
*the names have been changed 2 protect privacy & avoid any defamation suit